Re: Witness Lee's failures a blessing in disguise?
I think you are mostly right. We were not the enablers.
At least mostly not.
But as I look back, I now think "what if I had not simply ignored those momentary thoughts when something sounded wrong?" What if I had looked a second time at those verses and let it sink in that they really didn't say what Lee said they did. (And if I had read enough Nee, I should have been saying the same thing about him.)
No we weren't actively responsible like BP and some others. But we were obedient to a fault even when something inside wanted to deck someone or just tell them to go mind their own business. To take their pointless insistence on some ridiculous thing like having your badge on and visible before you get out of your car at the video training and shove it. (I came early one time to unlock the building and make sure that the A/C (or heater) was on well before anyone else would be coming. One of the leading ones came along just after I got there an raked me over the coals for not having my badge on. I bit my tongue. But it was pretty hard. And this was a rather corrupt one that couldn't even manage to front righteousness enough to stick around. He was eventually tossed from another place over money. He was known to do work for the people then have them pay him through the offering box.)
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel