Re: Lee's definition of faith versus the biblical definition of faith
I am sorry, but I cannot see where Lee's definition of faith is errant, or yours either. Just a different way of saying things. You know, I think a lot of the problem that people in the West may have with Lee's way of putting things is that he is of the Chinese culture and that is different from our American culture. He is attempting to translate Bible truths from his Chinese mental imagery into words that can be understood by English speakers. I see no problem with his saying that Christ is infused in us, that God wishes to enter into us by His Spirit. What he is saying is Biblical, he is just speaking in different words. My experience of the Christian life is that I was born again in 1983 and had the experience of Christ coming to live in me by His Spirit. That is what Lee is teaching. He is also teaching the growing and maturing process, and that is why it is necessary to study the Word, etc. I see nothing wrong with pray-reading in order to affirm and learn the Word. It is an excellent method. It is not a law. Nobody enforces a manner of learning the Word. But if you choose to use that method, it is a good one. It is not legalism to suggest good ways (works, if you want to call them that) to draw closer to God and to mature in the faith. The important think is to always be led of the Spirit in all that you do.