Witness Lee's failures a blessing in disguise?
If the fiascos that followed Witness Lee (DayStar, Linko, Philip Lee's immorality) had never occurred, the turmoils that followed them leading to a mass exodus of saints never would have happened either. As a result many saints would have probably remained in the LCs abiding in erroneous teachings, blinded by unhealthy LC practices and mindsets such as being the one true church and all the ugly things that come with spiritual pride. Perhaps God is sovereign and let everything unfold *so that* people could leave for greener pastures where the Holy Spirit is more welcome. Jesus said wisdom is justified by her fruit, and the fruit that eventually manifested itself throughout LC history has bore witness to the unhealthy teachings propagated by Witness Lee and perhaps to a lesser extent his predecessor Watchman Nee. It's opened our eyes to abundance of leaven in their ministries and the need for us to run away from MOTA-esque idols and to Jesus, our savior and the author and perfecter of our faith.
Bad things will always happen, perhaps it all depends on how we respond to the inevitable unfortunate circumstances that are bound to unfold in our lives. Maybe what God is hoping for is that we'll be able to respond in a good way. We can either let these things grow into bitterness and resentment, or use it as an opportunity to weep for the pain and suffering of everyone who was hurt (Romans 12:15), but then find strength from God to pray for and love our enemies (Matthew 5:44).
Many in the LCs curse those who leave the movement due to daring to question Witness Lee by labeling them as leprous or rebellious. They are hoping that those who leave will wreck themselves and spiral into a spiritual pit of curses and depression to justify their belief that the LCs are the only approved church in God's eyes. If we let resentment build up this may lead to a self fulfilling prophecy and confirm their sick views on what happens to Christians who decide to leave "the Recovery".
Maybe the best way to fight back is to keep our heads up, abide in Jesus and his words and let our light shine.
Proverbs 25:21-22
If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat.
If they are thirsty, give them water to drink.
You will heap burning coals of shame on their heads,
and the Lord will reward you.
1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.