Brother BearBear and brother James, thank you for the interesting links!
Personally I believe the LC is not a Christian sect but a cult, since they not only tend to control their members but also faithfully follow WL's teachings, not Jesus Christ's teachings. It's an imitation of Christianity to destroy the truth and persuade men to follow religious ideas not of God.
Sect: a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs (typically regarded as heretical) from those of a larger group to which they belong.
Cult: a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as
imposing excessive control over members.
Excessive brainwashing and control over members make the difference.
It's a waste of time and effort when my wife sacrifices her personal life for numerous meetings, conferences, and training that don't lead her anywhere.
PS "By sociological typology, cults are, like sects, new religious groups. But, unlike sects, they can form without breaking off from another religious group, though this is by no means always the case. The characteristic that most distinguishes cults from sects is that they are not advocating a return to pure religion but rather the embracement of something new or something that has been completely lost or forgotten (e.g., lost scriptures or new prophecy). Cults are also much more likely to be led by charismatic leaders than are other religious groups and the charismatic leaders tend to be the individuals who bring forth the new or lost component that is the focal element of the cult...
Cults, like sects, can develop into denominations. As cults grow, they bureaucratize and develop many of the characteristics of denominations. Some scholars are hesitant to grant cults denominational status because many cults maintain their more esoteric characteristics. But given their closer semblance to denominations than to the cult type, it is more accurate to describe them as denominations."