Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-29-2008, 02:44 PM   #641
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Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
Dear Ohio,

In an earlier post, I defined three broad categories: abusers, abused, and assentors. I believe the assentors are the largest category. There are shades and degrees and overlaps of all these categories. I do, however, believe that there is one thing that every LC member had in common and that is that they participated to some degree in the authority based hierarchy that developed among us, from Lee down to that “littlest” sister he used to mention. Can you say you never participated in that? In that sense only, will I say that it is clear we all were involved in idolatry.
TJ, your post is too long, so I'll start with Par 1.

First of all, there are lots of other folks in the LC's who don't fit those 3 categories. They would say they never saw anything they would call "abuse."

How in the world does "participation to some degree in authority based hierarchy ... involve us all in idolatry?"

Whoa! folks, let's think about this a little more.

From what you have said here, then just about every church in the N.T. was idolatrous, every congregation in America, every congregation in the world, past and present, etc. Matt's congregation is idolatrous too, since they have elders, which could be construed by some as an "authority based hierarchy."
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