Here's a testimony of how a seminary trained pastor prepares a sermon:
Many of your local pastors with MDiv degrees are able to read the bible in their original languages. This is one gift they have to offer to the body of Christ. Before many prepare their sermons, they'll read the scripture in the original Greek or Hebrew in addition to praying for understanding and revelation.
Furthermore, if they are shepherding healthy congregations, they'll be humbly pointing their flock to Christ and not to themselves.
Witness Lee couldn't even read Greek and Hebrew yet many are duped into giving their life to him and his movement, trusting that he's understood and had perfect revelation of the scriptures.
Now there are plenty of pastors who are not good at the biblical languages and preach and write just fine or even better in some cases. This is because they have the Holy Spirit to anoint and teach them. But even on this account Witness Lee seems to be found wanting. According to 1 John 2:4, someone who is living in lawlessness cannot have the truth in them:
Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,