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Old 01-31-2014, 08:58 AM   #50
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Default Re: How to help people whose friends and relatives are active members of th

Originally Posted by OBW View Post

In your next post you once again reference the "early Lee" era with the statement "many serious students of the scriptures came this way because Lee's teachings were confirmed by the word of God." But not all of his statements were confirmed.

In any case, who were the serious students of the scripture that came this way? Were they mostly those who rose in the early small localities, some of which are still around today, and some of which left? Those that left are evidence that they eventually saw through something. It might have even been some of the stuff that they thought was so attractive in the early years. For those that stayed, well, you get the idea. Not so sure that their discernment of what is scripturally sound is very good.
Years ago I heard the testimonies of Phil Comfort, Chuck Debelek, John Ingalls, Bill Freeman, and others who spoke of this.

My impression of those that left who "eventually saw through something," was mostly that the leadership was hypocritical, and did not practice their own teachings. For example, Nee's book The Normal Christian Churchlife had merit, yet no one ever practiced it. Calling on the name of the Lord was valuable to some, but quickly deteriorated into vanity.

Remember that in his earlier days in the US, Lee passed on many riches from others, while in his later days, he developed those exclusive teachings of his own and Nee and Darby.
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