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Old 01-31-2014, 08:19 AM   #231
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
After the so-called Max-rebellion of the late 70's, which btw was another Lee spin job to deceive us, Lee changed his tone from life to truth. Supposedly all the LC's were fooled by Max because we only knew life, and not truth. Actually it was Lee who constantly fooled us, since Max was thrown under the bus for exposing Philip's immorality.
Max Rappaport was the quintessential salesman, a pitchman. No wonder he became Lee's mouthpiece. But anybody that took a stand against Philip Lee's immoralities -- sleeping with married sisters in the Living Stream Ministry office & drunken sex parties (long term, going way back) -- no matter if they had been Lee co-workers from the earliest days in America or not they got thrown out, or left in disgust. And then they were badmouthed and slandered by Lee.

I think Kangas made it thru that turmoil because he wasn't anything in those days, and voiced no strong position against Philip's sin. Else he would have been gone too. But why didn't he leave out of disgust?
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