Originally Posted by InChristAlone
Ohio, Igzy, thank you, brothers.
I have never heard about Max. Do you mean they killed him?  Let's make this statement "softer". In other words, do I get it right that something bad happened to Max after he had exposed Philip's immorality?
Too funny.
Max was understood (even by the ones who had been with Lee from the earliest days of the LRC in the US) to be the closest confidant of Lee. He became the one going around and doing conferences above some of the others, such as John Ingalls, James Barber, and others. He was quite a personality. Some loved him. Some hated him. There were few with absolutely no opinion.
But he seemed to be "heir apparent" to many.
And suddenly he was gone. Chased off. The stories that suddenly came out of the woodwork to slander him were numerous.
He might read this periodically, though I kind of doubt it. While there may have been some characteristics of the man that were not perfect, in hindsight he was clearly doing all that he did with Lee's blessing. And the minute that they shoved him out the door, all of the supposed errors that he introduced were the ammunition that Lee used to elevate himself from just a travelling minister into the Grand Poohbah of the Local Churches. He said that we should be ready to stand against him if he said anything in error, then went on to declare that even when he was wrong, he was right, therefore no one could ever stand against him. His takeover of the LRC was complete.
There were a few pesky details that would be worked out over the next 10 to 15 years (this was 1978) but it was effectively done. We would follow him to hell if necessary.
(And when someone suggests that we could never be a Jim Jones kind of cult, there is at least a glimmer of doubt concerning that because we accepted so much nonsense that was contrary to scripture as simply true because he said it that there is always the nagging hunch that at least a few might follow that kind of crazy ending.)