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Old 01-31-2014, 06:45 AM   #225
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by InChristAlone View Post
Brothers, does anybody know why leeists don't call Jesus the Truth, but the Reality? I know it has something to do with the Greek word that can be translated as "truth" and "reality". In my native language the word "truth" means "higher reality". So to me "Jesus is the truth" is not just some reality but the entire truth. There are several realities but only one Truth.
They want to appear like they have a deeper understanding of things. "Reality" sounds deeper and more profound. It also make them different and sets them apart from other Christians. They like to be different and set apart because they are so much for oneness.

BTW, the same reasons apply for preferring "oneness" over "unity."
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