Originally Posted by awareness
Bro InChristAlone to tell it like I see it : Yer goose is cooked. Yer mind has jumped the LRC fence. It's free now. And can't go back.
And if your wife loves you more than the local church your marriage will make it. If not yer in fer a break up. Either way hang in there bro.
Bro awareness, I don't really know if my wife loves me more than the local church. (I'll have to check it out). I just know she loves God more than she loves me. (And that's fine with me). As for God and the local church, I just pray so that she see the difference.
I'll really leave it to the Lord, but I'll also do my part. I know my goal. I know what I can do to achieve it. Though I don't know if I pull it off or not. But who knows? I want to fulfill God's will, not mine. "And when His will and yours are one, circumstances can’t stop you."