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Old 01-29-2014, 08:50 AM   #208
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by InChristAlone View Post
I have read something about "early-Lee" and "later-Lee", but there was no detail.
Early-Lee had an effect on our lives and our personal walk with Christ, made the scriptures alive, emphasized the individual local churches, allowed for other ministers to develop, and basically his ministry served the churches.

Later-Lee was filled with tedious doctrines and systematized theology, indoctrinations about "the body" to manipulate us and keep us in the fold, allowed no other ministry, stifled the leading of the Spirit, and basically all the churches existed to serve his ministry.

The elders meeting in Jan 1974 (Hope once posted a laundry list of changes which Lee initiated) signaled a radical change in the movement, and the "new way" of 1985 signaled the complete takeover.

Others have said that Lee was always abusive, controlling, and heretical, and they may be right. Those I have read and talked to from the earliest days say that was not the case. I go by what has occurred, not by what may or not have been in Lee's heart.

After Lee passed away, grumblings in the leadership surfaced between Anaheim and Cleveland. In the late 90's, Titus Chu had all workers and elders go back and read what W. Lee had taught about pertinent topics affecting the leadership of the movement. Titus Chu presented stacks of documents replete with quotes from Lee's earlier books to the Blended Brothers in order to influence them. These were never read. The Blendeds felt that only they knew the "real" Lee, having sat with him personally, and had received his "unedited" ministry.

The writings of "early-Lee" which they documented provided a stark contrast to his "new way" and "high peak" periods, which I called "later-Lee." One example which became relevant to the quarantines which took place, at about the time you entered the Recovery, was the matter of publishing. The Blendeds issued an edict that all publications besides LSM were banned. Both Chu of Cleveland and Dong of Brazil had an extensive list of booksby then, and more in the works. Titus Chu justified this by going back to when Lee actually promoted this.
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