Originally Posted by InChristAlone
I was saved in a "denominational church"
Brother, this matter of denominations is a big deception which strikes at the core of their existence. After decades of dealing with this, I came to the conclusion that what makes a "denomination" is not a name, but a controlling headquarters, which LSM is. How can they claim to not have a name, when they sued my old "church in Columbus" over the rights to that name? What hypocrisy is that?
Originally Posted by InChristAlone
I could not get why they need the "Body", "oneness" and the New Jerusalem when they are not ready for these things ... They wanted me to have oneness, to be in one accord, and keep on building the 'Body". What for?
After studying much church history, I learned that these teachings of
distorted oneness have been some of the most destructive of all. At best they are controlling and manipulative, at worst they were used by the Catholic Church to torture and kill all those who violated the "
oneness of the Holy Catholic Church." Because of the demands of
distorted oneness, members were forced to conform to every heresy and evil Satan threw at them. Under the threat of death, and tortures to bring about compliance, all Catholics were forced to kneel to Marble Mary in order to "keep the oneness."
Proper Biblical oneness emphasizes our relationship with God and those around us. Corinthians tells us it is "
many members, but one body," which was the local church in Corinth. Lee convinced us it was "
many churches, but one body," which could only be realized in his ministry at LSM. Thus your relationship with others was far less significant than your relationship "with the ministry." This one error alone explains why their is so little love in that program, and how they can sue anyone who disagrees.
Originally Posted by InChristAlone
But then I wanted to be closer to Christ. I wanted to learn how to forgive and love my neighbour. Where is the way to Christ here? How can we have oneness if we do not have love in our hearts?
You're not the first one who was troubled by this. Back in the 70's we did have much emphasis on love and forgiveness. We would always examine our heart before we broke bread, asking the Lord to shine on any offenses. More than once I sought out a brother to apologize to right before we broke bread.
My how things have changed!
Originally Posted by InChristAlone
Looking back I now believe that the Local Church does not give a good path for a spiritual growth. You can be full of knowledge, but if you have no love in your heart, why do you need that information? Take a look at the leaders of the organization. They seem to be nice people, and they have a proper appearance. But do they look spiritual? To me they look and talk like scholars and lecturers, not spiritual leaders. Appearances are deceptive, but not in numbers.
Read what the apostle Paul says about love in I Cor 13, and the lack thereof. I no longer believe that the Recovery even cares about spiritual growth. It is all about commitment to their program. Over the years the leaders have also changed. All of those who were genuinely spiritual have been either quarantined or left voluntarily because of what was happening.
Originally Posted by InChristAlone
One more thing that doesn’t make sense to me is shouting while praying at prayer meetings. We all know that God is omnipresent, i.e. present everywhere at the same time. Why do we need to chant and shout then? To be heard? God can hear even our breath. So why do we need to scream out? If we do not talk to our parents in such a way, why do we do that to Our Heavenly Father? They say they touch the Lord in this way. Maybe. Thought I have never seen anyone touched. Affected by their emotions and noise – yes. But that’s all.
There are times when shouting was real and anointed by the Spirit. What they are left with today, however, is called "vain babbling."
Originally Posted by InChristAlone
I am sorry for my wife and other believers. Most of them are sincere, naive and good-hearted people. It’s pity that they have been deceived.
I place all the responsibility on the evil workers. Paul call them "dogs." As you say, nearly all the saints I have ever known were genuinely precious.