Originally Posted by bearbear
Hi, I actually went through something similar with my wife. I prayed that if God wanted us to leave then he had to help me make it happen. And he did, gloriously. After some time the real fruits of being in the LC manifested itself and that was all the evidence God gave me to help steer my wife to the truth.
If you'd like to fellowship more here is my email:
sam at eternityinourheart dot com
Thank you, Sam. I think you have a good point. With God all things are possible. I'll keep in touch with you soon.
Besides prayer, I believe I need to start questioning the doctrine. Step by step. It's my fault that I used to take it for granted. I did not really bother to check out the facts. Even when I read something that did not make sense to me, I thought, "Ok. Maybe it's in the Bible. I do not know the Scriptures well enough".
I was saved in a "denominational church", and started to attend the Local Church conferences and the Lord's table meetings after my marriage. At the beginning, I tried to understand the teaching. It seemed all right to me. A bit advanced because I could not get why they need the "Body", "oneness" and the New Jerusalem when they are not ready for these things. (In my humble opinion). But then I wanted to be closer to Christ. I wanted to learn how to forgive and love my neighbour. But they kept on teaching me something else. They wanted me to have oneness, to be in one accord, and keep on building the 'Body". What for? Where is the way to Christ here? How can we have oneness if we do not have love in our hearts?
Looking back I now believe that the Local Church does not give a good path for a spiritual growth. You can be full of knowledge, but if you have no love in your heart, why do you need that information? Take a look at the leaders of the organization. They seem to be nice people, and they have a proper appearance. But do they look spiritual? To me they look and talk like scholars and lecturers, not spiritual leaders. Appearances are deceptive, but not in numbers.
One more thing that doesn’t make sense to me is shouting while praying at prayer meetings. We all know that God is omnipresent, i.e. present everywhere at the same time. Why do we need to chant and shout then? To be heard? God can hear even our breath. So why do we need to scream out? If we do not talk to our parents in such a way, why do we do that to Our Heavenly Father? They say they touch the Lord in this way. Maybe. Thought I have never seen anyone touched. Affected by their emotions and noise – yes. But that’s all.
I am sorry for my wife and other believers. Most of them are sincere, naive and good-hearted people. It’s pity that they have been deceived.