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Old 01-28-2014, 07:57 AM   #8
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Default Re: How to help people whose friends and relatives are active members of th

Originally Posted by InChristAlone View Post
My wife has been there since she was a kid. I think it's over 30 years. As for me, it's about 7 years.
Even after we left my wife still had some doubts because we were leaving so much behind (all our friendships, and service in ministry), but ultimately she sealed her decision ironically because of a teaching they stressed in the LC- that a wife has to submit to her husband, and this is the reason she used to those who were trying to get her back (I share this with you because it could be something you could use). In the locality we left, I was portrayed as the enemy who was evilly influencing her, but thank God she stuck by me which I am very thankful to both God and her for.

It all started when I think God spoke to me in the morning during prayer time. The thought was "unless you leave the LCs, you cannot become an overcomer". I didn't hear it audibly but it was such a strong thought and it was overwhelming me. So I asked God that if this was from him then he had to help my wife see things the way I did about the LC. After that prayer, a chain of events started which led us to leave.

In all this process I gave my wife a lot of freedom and never forced my will onto her. I just gave her my perspective. I was afraid if I forced her that she would push back and concerning this point, I think james is very correct. However I did tell her that I felt I was dying spiritually in the LCs and had no way to go on which was true at the time.
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