Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-29-2008, 03:46 AM   #628
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
It's the same Lord. It's His little ones gathered together in His name. It's His Spirit moving and speaking. If it's not the same sweetness, then either:

a) something is wrong with the group I was meeting with
b) something is wrong with the group you were meeting with
c) there is something special about the group you were meeting with that makes the presence of the Lord there more in some way than the presence of the Lord in the gathering I was in.

Do you have additional options? Please present them. I'm interested.

Final Note:

a) Would you ever go back into the RCC? Why not?
b) Would you ever go back into an LSM/LC driven church? Why not?
Brother Matt,

We need an ... (e) none of the above.

Regarding your final questions ... I have visited both, with the saying in heart, "hate the system, but love the people."
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