Hello friend,
You may have just passed through, and perhaps you won't be back, but I feel I should address what you wrote as you speak in despair and some desperation, I sense. You have invested your life in LSM, in Witness Lee's teaching, and you cannot see your way past it. I
don't mean "you can't see your way past our Lord Jesus Christ" - whom we
must look to always - but "not past" Lee's theology. Maybe this will help.
You said:
Originally Posted by Unregistered
....Do you think this will cause people to see you are the minister or Titus is?
No one here believes in the "Minister of the Age" doctrine anymore. Why not?
Because it's not biblical. It's no more Biblically honest for someone at LSM to claim that Lee was "
the minister" than for the (much larger) Mormon church to claim that Joseph Smith was; or the MUCH MUCH larger Roman Catholic Church to claim that the Pope (whomever he currently is) is. If you think we are wrong, then prove from the Word of God that a "Minister of the Age" exists - and ponder why we call those other's apostate. Nigel Tomes, though I oughtn't be so bold as to speak for him, isn't suggesting that he is "the minister". There is
no "THE" minister.
You said:
Originally Posted by Unregistered
....Why is there division? Because of the soul life. Everyone gets hurt. Everyone gets their ego bruised. We want to bring the Lord back. Just forget all this stuff. We are delaying His coming by all of this.... Satan has really had a win in our great rift. We probably delayed the Lord 20 yrs.
Where in the Bible does it teach that God is restricted and limited by man? God is
absolutely sovereign, or He isn't God at all. If you are hoping that you or the group you associate with can "just be good enough" that Jesus will smile down in appreciation, and say "About time!", and then come galloping in on His horse, then you are sadly mistaken. I don't mean that as a slight, I mean it's heart-breaking that you would believe it, because you have to be utterly without hope in the World.
Friend, you don't understand His Grace, and
our need of it. You don't understand that we - all of us - myself included - are absolutely HOPELESS without Him. If God were waiting for us to "get it right", then we're all damned for all eternity;
because we never will. Where in the Bible does it teach that Christ will come after a great revival? Where does it teach that people must "do church right" or "stand together in unity" in order for Him to return?
It doesn't. That was a lie told to you to keep you in the program. Don't believe it? Prove through the Word of God that you can foil God's plans. Look and see what Christ said about the signs of His coming, and show me where it talks about "sweet spirits" and some kind of universal fellowship.
Friend, you have been lied to. Let Christ heal your wounds - you said you "too have been hurt". Trust in Him, and follow Him and His Word. Don't let anyone who calls themselves "the minister of the age" define what the Word says for you. Christ Himself said: "
But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ." Matthew 23:8-10.
Love in Christ,