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Old 01-17-2014, 07:25 PM   #199
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
bearbear, I have to apologize if I've seemed rude. It's just frustrating to deal with what appears to me to be a lack of faith.

When the golfing great Bobby Jones first witnessed the play of a young Jack Nicklaus, in awe he commented, "He plays a game with which I am not familiar." He meant that as a compliment. I could say the same when observing you, only it would be less of a compliment. I'm not familiar with the type of faith you have, because it seems to me to be a lack of faith.

At the same time I respect your earnestness and seeking. This discussion has been very helpful to me. It's made me rethink some things. The understanding of Matt 7:23 cf. John 10:27 came to me today. That was an amazing revelation God gave me, that Christ can never say to me "I never knew you," because John 10:27 says he already knows me. Wow! I might not have realized that without your pointed challenges. So, thanks.

You are on the path God wants for you. I pray he will bring you into a deeper understanding of his faithfulness, love and assurance, and cast out all unnecessary fear, while leaving you with the needed fear (awe) that is the beginning of wisdom.

Hi Igzy,

I actually agree with you there. Once we're known by Christ when he lives inside us I think we'll be okay because we'll have a new heart and new spirit and this will cause us to follow the path of righteousness. Jesus said "salvation has come to this household!" to Zaccheus after he repented, implying he had become born again. It would have been macabre to make that statement for him to have a chance of losing his salvation afterwards. I think we just differ on conditions of begin born again but after this discussion I realize I have been narrow minded and you and others have helped me come to the conclusion that it's not a rigid formula since we can't control where the wind blows.

Here's a similar verse in 1 John 3:6 concerning being known, though it's on the other end of things:
No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him.

And this one shows once we're born again, we'll overcome the world.

1 John 5:4
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

I've found that whenever I got worried about my salvation, 1 John was always a great book to read. I really think the Apostle John wrote it to give true Christians assurance of their salvation, since a lot of the verses seem to respond to their fear of losing it.

And I'm happy to end the discussion there concerning faith since it does get tiring to argue after a while about doctrines each of us hold dear and perhaps our time is better spent elsewhere such as UFOs

Your Brother in Christ,

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