Originally Posted by awareness
bearbear, are you suffering panic attacks over your salvation?
Nope not anymore

after the prophecy It gave me quite a bit of peace. I think my brain is just getting fried heh.
Being motivated by love is always better than fear, and I like to think fear of God as our spiritual backup system. If our love for him grows dim, then the fear of God will kick in for us to avoid temptation-- long enough for us to return ourselves to loving him. Otherwise why did Jesus preach so much on fearing hell to his disciples?
Or maybe fear is just a beginning and not an end to itself. For me fear was the beginning of my wisdom, which led me to loving God.
But when push comes to shove, if we don't have the right vision, there are a lot of temptations in this world that can grab our hearts away if we don't respect God's holy nature. Maybe that's why Jesus said this:
Matthew 10:28
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
For example, this new believer and his whole family was martyred after they were asked to renounce their faith:
It's one thing to yield your life for your faith, but what about your family? This is the kind of hardcore intimacy God wants us to reach with him which comes by loving him all our heart. Personally I don't think I would have been capable of this unless I went through what I did. If you took my lukewarm self from my LC days I probably would have caved if they were threatening my daughter. Now however I would prepare myself not to deny Jesus under any circumstances.