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Old 01-17-2014, 02:35 PM   #184
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Then Lordship Salvationists believe in a salvation that can be lost. It is never certain until you die on the right side of the ledger. The life of any "believer" can be on and off again throughout their life. Just because death does not occur we don't have to take the status into account. But under that understanding, I have no assurance of my salvation. If something is done to me and I for a short period withhold forgiveness, but a meteor falls on me, I have passed from life to death (not talking about the meteor) due to becoming temporarily unforgiving but having insufficient time to return back to life.
It depends if you're talking to folks from Reformed tradition or outside it. Reformed folks are Calvinists and Lordship Salvationists. There is Reformed Lordship Salvation and an Armininian version one also.

I cannot accept that kind of constant taking of the temperature. (Not because I just don't like it, but because it runs contrary to what I see in scripture as a whole.) That does not mean that I 100 percent reject the very idea that a long and protracted rejection of God is not evidence that what was formerly thought to be faith was, in fact, just show. But even in that case, I am hesitant to declare that it means "no longer in the Father's hand" which would suggest that they actually were in His hand, but are no longer.
Jesus told us to judge people by their actions because it gives an indicator of the condition of their heart. In the same way James said works was an indicator of the condition of our faith.
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