Originally Posted by bearbear
At what point do you become born again? Is it by mere credence that Jesus is the son of God and he died for our sins? How do you arrive at this from the scriptures?
I think this is where you got stuck. You don't see real faith as the scripture does. You continually discredit faith as "mere credence," which is probably due to one verse in James which says "even the demons believe."
"Mere credence" is not saving faith. No one here, or in the LC's for that matter, is saying this. Mere credence is closer to the situation of the tares, who outwardly look like real believers, but do not have eternal life within, and thus are not real "wheat."
You remind me of some extreme tongue-speakers. Since they spoke in tongues when they first got saved, they hold every one else up to that same standard. They see
tongues in every verse of the bible, which just reinforces their stance.