Originally Posted by Ohio
If only a couple people out of every hundred are truly born again, and have starved their flesh of every lust, then it sounds a lot more difficult then you are letting us on to believe. Personally I would question whether even 2% can make it into the kingdom for reasons I mentioned before.
If we only starve our flesh then that's basically Buddhism. God doesn't want us to quench all desire but to direct it towards him. He gave us the ability to love things because we were designed to love Him. Only God can truly satisfy us and give our souls true peace, rest and eternal satisfaction and enjoyment. Everything in the world including porn is the bootleg or the counterfeit for what can truly satisfy our soul. The desires of the world trick us into thinking they can satisfy us when they can't. It only leaves us wanting more. That's why the woman at the well had seven husbands. This is the deceitfulness of riches Solomon, possibly the richest man who ever lived, described in his writings.
So we starve our flesh but we also feed our spirit by spending time in God's presence and his word and doing his will. I've been able to experience God's presence so much while preaching the gospel at times. The high you get when someone responds positively is indescribable.
I remember after one time I was feeling such a spiritual high after a homeless man responded to my ministering, I noticed it was lunch time but I felt full, I didn't need to eat because my spirit was filled! Jesus said his food was to do the Father's will. He wasn't kidding! It was uncanny. I live for that high. It's what we were made for. We were made for eternity and to bring others into that reality.