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Old 01-17-2014, 08:15 AM   #145
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by bearbear View Post
It's actually not as hard as it sounds because our flesh is like a monster which requires food to survive. All you have to do is stop feeding it and feed your spirit instead. In the beginning it is hard because the monster will be hungry and ask you for food. You just keep ignoring that thing and run to Jesus and others who call on his name out of a pure heart instead. Eventually it will die and we will realize only Jesus could ever satisfy us.
If only a couple people out of every hundred are truly born again, and have starved their flesh of every lust, then it sounds a lot more difficult then you are letting us on to believe. Personally I would question whether even 2% can make it into the kingdom for reasons I mentioned before.

I think we should tell everyone about how truly difficult it is to enter heaven. It seems to me that if more people knew the real facts about how many others have failed in their best attempts to live by faith, then they would not even have started on the journey. If, as you say, most Christians have not truly repented, then why even try?

Have you ever considered how all the evangelists on earth have failed in their message? They continually emphasize how by faith the blood of Jesus takes away all our sins, while they should be informing us of the demand to depart from unrighteousness, how your fruit must be a strong evidence of your being born again, that we should not attend funerals (let the dead bury the dead,) and so forth.

If one is not willing and able to meet all the demands of scripture, then that one should not even be allowed to hear the gospel, since the Lord has told us that "no one who puts his hand to the plow is fit for the kingdom of God."
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