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Old 01-16-2014, 07:15 PM   #131
Peter Debelak
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by bearbear View Post
Hi Peter,

I have revealed my identity already so it's alright and I respect that you wear your name so proudly. I realized later it is better to come forward with my identity and be transparent because God works best in the light and I have nothing to be afraid of because God is my protector. That's not to say I respect others for staying anonymous because that has advantages for those who feel it would help them open up about their struggles.

I don't feel dogmatic about my view of aliens and really it's not something I bring up in conversations unless I'm talking to other like minded folks who are deeply studied in bible prophecy and end times. However when the verse was brought up, I felt like I had to respond to it. I feel like it always helps to have an open mind as long as the theories do not violate the bible. Being close minded makes it likely we'll be rejecting truth and also stumble others when it's not necessary.

One of my hobbies is delving into bible prophecy. I've studied a lot of bible prophecy teachers such as Chuck Missler, LA Marzulli, Gary Stearman, Tom Horn, Cris Putnam. The book that got me interested in the subject of UFOs being an end-time demonic deception is Exo-Vaticana. So my process of getting into this was a gradual one.

The benefit of course is that this knowledge could be a witnessing tool for the gospel to those who are involved in new age and believe in UFOs. I have a DVD that clearly exposes the UFO phenomenon as being demonic and I prayed a short prayer once for the Lord to show me a person to give the DVD to. He hasn't given me an answer yet but it's the kind of prayer God always answers from my experience.

This is a legitimate concern because according to a recent National Geographic survey more Americans believe in UFOs than they believe Jesus Christ is the son of God.

Here's a video from a Christian perspective in case I have piqued your interest enough:

Thanks for responding, Sam.

As I said before, I don't have particular comment on your UFO discussion. Rightly or wrongly, I just don't have much interest (to my detriment, perhaps).

I did hone in on your desire to reach certain people with a particular ministry. Paul did make him self a man for all men. To the Athenians, he argued from a philosophical base. To the Jews, he even had his companion circumsized, just to fit in.

That said, I wonder the value in our age in doing so. Unlike Paul's time, the message of Christ is not rare. Our public message perhaps falls on tainted ears, even to targeted audiences who we are catering to.

Instead, I wonder if the message is best carried by how we live our lives, and how we engage with our fellows.

I did notice in your YouTube that you have a particular concern for the afterlife. Can I ask you, I all sincerety, how come? I know this is an odd question, given the stakes at issue in the afterlife (heaven or hell). But I am curious why the afterlife theology takes precedence over how to live richly today (if you don't think these are incongruous, tell me so). Of course, they might not be contradictory. I'm open.

What do you think?

I Have Finished My Course
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