Originally Posted by bearbear
It's because as I wrote in another thread that if we rely on our own human wisdom we can become easily deceived by Satan. Satan is the Father of lies, the ancient dragon who's been deceiving people for ages. He's been living for a lot longer than we have and he knows which lies work and which don't.
The only hope we have is to rely on the wisdom which comes from God's word and his spirit. And the word of God teaches us to beware of false teachers in many places. It also provides guidelines for us to discern whether or not someone comes from God or the devil. Many of these are in 1 John and in Jesus' teachings.
I think what
awareness is saying is that our wise discernment needs to be our own, not someone else's. Reading the Bible is not enough to avoid deception. Ultimately one must be able to trust one's own interpretation of what the Bible really means. We should be open to other's ideas, but ultimately we are on the hook for what we decide to do. So our decision must be our own, not something inherited. Certainly this requires prayer and the Holy Spirit. But when push comes to shove the decision about just what is truth is ours to make. No way around that.