Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-28-2008, 11:19 AM   #619
Matt Anderson
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 155

Originally Posted by Roger View Post
Do as you like on your forum.

It's not my forum. You should note that on the Berean's I never brought this subject up. Did I suddenly become unreasonable? Or has my view always been different than others?

I didn't bring it up because I did have some "lordship" over there and it would have been inappropriate for me to do it in that environment. It is appropriate here.

Originally Posted by Ohio
One of the common threads with them both is that neither had any positive experiences in the LC's, that I have heard of. Their point of view is not balanced by anything sweet of Christ
I understand that you haven't heard about any positive experiences of mine in the LC, but to claim that my point of view isn't balanced by anything sweet of Christ is completely false.

I've actually had some of the exact same kind of experience that many here talk about in the "early days" of the LC where the Lord was among you and He was the head over the meetings in a body of believers who were not under any kind of deputy control. I really enjoyed those times.

In fact, those meetings were with ex-LCer's who claimed that although the meetings weren't as large, they were just as rich with the Lord among us.

So let me re-emphasize that point: I have tasted the presence of the Lord and seen the work of the Holy Spirit in a christian context much like what you experienced in the early days of the LC. God arranged it for me with witnesses who can attest to the fact that it was like that. This was in the early to mid 90's.

I believe that on every point of "credentials" you can throw at me, I am "credentialed". I have no "credentials" from men. No degree. No seminary education. I have never been a "member" of a denomination. I have only consecrated myself to the Lord plus nothing. I meet with other believers in an elder driven church which has the freedoms that the LC lacks. I am steeped in the teachings of the inner life and can testify to "Christ in me, the hope of glory". God has been real to me in my personal walk with him. The Body of Christ has ministered to me over many years to bring me from a bad state towards one with a healthier walk in the Lord. What else do you want to try me on? Make a list.

Note: Keep in mind. My witness is not just my own. It's backed up by two parents who have all the time you require and desire for someone to be able to speak up on this subject.

I am not being prideful. I am checking your statements against the facts of my life. Your statements don't hold.

Feel free to trot out here and perform some character assassination. I can deal with it. I'm not being belligerent. I'm just going to be steadfast in presenting some information about idolatry.


Last edited by Matt Anderson; 08-28-2008 at 11:33 AM.
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