Originally Posted by bearbear
It's possible Witness Lee was never born of the spirit of God until maybe the end of his life where he mouthed an attempt at repentance. The reason why so many of us here and elsewhere who've left the LCs have become so disgusted with the debacles produced from Witness Lee is because we have the spirit of God inside us! The Holy Spirit hates sin and cannot stand it. A sign that witnessing sin grieves you is a sign that you are born again because the Holy Spirit is grieved by unrepentant sin.
Possible, but highly unlikely. The idea that WL was not born again is off-the-charts far-fetched for anyone who witnessed his preaching. If he was not a Christian, then I'm completely lost and don't understand anything.
Lee's emphasis was imbalanced, but he was not fundamentally wrong. He believed the gospel. Although he chose to focus on more esoteric things, I don't think he ever lost sight of the fact that Christ was his Savior.
In one sense, Lee was similar to Austin-Sparks, in that he chose to emphasize "deeper" things of the inner life. There is room for that. No one condemns Austin-Sparks for it. Lee went off the deep end (pun intended) with it, but that doesn't mean it was essentially wrong. All things in their measure.
Lee will be in the heavenly kingdom. He was flawed, like the rest of us. But he still lived for Christ with his mind fully persuaded. Not excusing his flaws, just emphasizing God's grace and mercy.