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Old 01-14-2014, 12:19 PM   #61
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
If your grandma is still living, perhaps she knew of the events Richard Chi wrote about (in Chinese). Basically in the 50's church property in Taipei was used to pay Lee family debt (another failed business venture). After what apprently happened in the Philippines and Taiwan, he wasn't well-received which led to the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle.
Pretend for the moment that it's not bearbear talking but your token Lordship Salvation + Calvinist theologian who is analyzing Witness Lee's life from his point of view:

For one to be born again of the Holy Spirit, he must be willing to surrender every area of his life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and by doing so his heart will become the good earth ready for the divine seed to grow to its full measure. It's possible that Witness Lee may have surrendered many things, but withheld the Lordship of Jesus Christ over his self-ambition, money and the desire to see his sons succeed. Under this definition he may never have been born again, but Satan would continue to deceive him to think that he is.

Now looking back at many of the Life Studies he authored and some of the conferences he held you might think that his speaking was very anointed. However it's happened in the past where the Holy Spirit fell on people who were not obeying God such as Saul and they would prophesy with the Spirit of God on them. This is what Lee came to coin as the "economical" Spirit. My theory is that God allowed this because He loves the brothers and sisters meeting in the LCs and wanted to feed them regardless of Witness Lee's state.

My Grandma once told me a true christian would never live in sin because the spirit of God in them would bother them so much that they would eventually repent. I've experienced this many times after my born again experience, including recently on this forum. When I got into an unhealthy argument with some on the forum earlier, I felt no peace or rest in my soul and was instantly driven to repent so I could find peace again.

Now place yourself in Witness Lee's shoes. Could any of you really do the same things he did without repentance? How long could you live with the shame of using church funds to pay off your debt, pilfer the life savings of saints in a money laundering scheme, overlook your son forcing himself on women in your ministry etc? Would any of you have the gall to proclaim yourself to be the MOTA and have no shame?

It's possible Witness Lee was never born of the spirit of God until maybe the end of his life where he mouthed an attempt at repentance. The reason why so many of us here and elsewhere who've left the LCs have become so disgusted with the debacles produced from Witness Lee is because we have the spirit of God inside us! The Holy Spirit hates sin and cannot stand it. A sign that witnessing sin grieves you is a sign that you are born again because the Holy Spirit is grieved by unrepentant sin.
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