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Old 01-14-2014, 10:13 AM   #56
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Not really. But never mind. I'll just say that if you interpret every warning in the Bible as a threat to be sent to hell, then I can see why you believe the way you do. But it is not necessary to do that. It's basically a stance motivated by deep fear and uncertainty. But, suit yourself.
Actually that's interesting you say this because of a recent event that happened to me. Since I know you guys are uncomfortable with charismatic stuff I haven't shared it, but here goes.

During a recent church conference for new members, which I procrastinated in attending (I have a phobia of trainings due to my past with LSM as you all can probably relate to) but was somewhat forced to go because of service in youth ministry, our church had a prophecy team come and pray and prophesy over everyone individually.

One of these brothers whom I've never met because he meets in a different ministry, prophesied over me.

He repeated a weird prayer and conversation I have with the Lord every morning and gave me the answer to it.

The prayer / conversation goes like this every morning:
I've been telling God to show me more of his love and if it were possible to give me assurance that I'm on the narrow path that leads to life. I also told the Lord I know he showed he loved me by answering so many of my prayers and caused supernatural things to happen in my walk with him that showed me he loved me. I knew that God loved me doctrinally, yet I couldn't bring myself to believe that he really loved me. I also pray everyday that he would prevent me from falling into the world again and to keep me walking in the faith until the end. The darkness of my past sometimes haunts me and my greatest fear is yielding to temptation and falling into the world again like Demas did.

So this guy basically repeats the prayer I have every morning word for word and gives me the answer. He also said I would be ministering to "depressed" people in 2014 and giving them words of encouragement.

I recorded the prophecy in chinese on my smartphone and had my wife translate since I could only understand half of it. Here's my wifes translation:

"God wants to tell you that he delights in you, you are the one I love. You are altogether lovely. I feel that God has shown you very clearly that you are altogether lovely. You don’t need to work hard to win his love for you, he is very satisfied by you. He sees you as a very beautiful one. I feel that God wants to use the word in Isaiah to tell you, your days of sadness have passed. God has never left you, he is always with you. I feel that He wants to use Jeremiah 31 to tell you you used to come with tears, but your love one, your God will lead you as you have asked to walk on the righteous path next to the stream. He will surely gift you with streams of living waters flowing abundantly in your home. You will walk in the path of righteousness along this stream. you will not ever fall again, because your love, the one leading you is the Father of Israel, he is your God. He has called you so he will look over you. He has anointed you. He has blessed your mouth to become a blessing to many others. in the year 2014, the Lord has brought those who are depressed to you, you will open your mouth to speak words of blessing to them to encourage and console them. you will extend your hand to heal them, because you are an anointed one, you are full of power, praise God. "

So God really convicted me then that I was so willing to have faith in heaven and hell, but I couldn't have faith that he really loved me and I was his child. This gave me so much peace. It's also opened me eyes to see that if God could love someone with a past like mine, he surely loves everyone else.

The assertion that I would never fall again is something I've been meditating on. It sure sounds Calvinist! But my church is Arminian hmm.. Here is my over-active doctrinal mind working again. Lord have mercy.
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