Originally Posted by Ohio
Do I think the culture I grew up in was any less passive? It was a sexual revolution of new found liberties and casting off long accepted social mores, without the fear of some 35 known STD's. Alcohol was more than prevalent ... without the limitations of DUI's. Drugs were everywhere, and they were cheap. You could smoke cigarettes anywhere you wanted, even on airplanes.
You're right every generation is probably as wicked as the next. However I can't shake off the fact that sexual immorality is only a click away on the internet now.
You also have all these highly accessible games on facebook, iPad, smart phones that are engineered to addict young people because they are free to play. The only way these companies can make money is if they can suck you in and get you to play most of the day so you can justify opening your wallet. I know youth who have starved themselves so they can use lunch money to buy gaming cards from CVS for these F2P games. It's interesting that Satan can get kids to fast for him unknowingly-- isn't this outright idol worship?
But where these temptations abound, so does God's grace. We can do all things in Christ who empowers us. Greater is he that is in us than the one in the world. Hallelujah!