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Old 01-14-2014, 08:45 AM   #48
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by bearbear View Post
It wasn't until I left and fully surrendered my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ that I believe I became born again and a new creation. I could have stayed in the LCs all my life and lived in this deception, missing out on the beginning of a new transformation.
I was born again via the living and operating word of God. I was instantly a new creation unrecognizable to my family and friends. My heart changed, along with my personality. I no longer lived a life in darkness. God gave me a love for Him, His word, and His people, which I never had before. After less than a year, however, I was struggling to follow the Lord by myself in a world contrary to God. One day I heard about being baptized in the Spirit. That night in bed I prayed fervently to receive this from the Lord. I was filled with the Spirit. Almost immediately after that, I was driving by the Cleveland meeting hall, and met the saints planting flowers in front on a Sunday afternoon. That was an answer to my prayer based on I Cor 12.13, "in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body."

bearbear, the churchlife which you and I left, was no longer recognizable to those of us who remember those early days. It was the Spirit of god who led me to salvation, and it was the Spirit who led me to the local church. Both were accompanied by great joy, and an enlightening of the scriptures. In between those early days and my final days in the LC's, was all the sad stories of Witness Lee and company usurping absolute control of the Recovery, elevating himself to a place of highest prominence, hiding a history of corruption, and attempting to destroy any and all who got in his way.
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