Originally Posted by Ohio
Witness Lee's teachings about overcomers placed us all under a bondage of never being able to do enough to please God. Coupled with his exclusive views about the Recovery, we also believed that every effort we expend in serving God must be directed towards building up his ministry and churches. All other service was a waste of time and not pleasing to the Lord.
I don't think that the second generation in the LC's got this teaching of "easy-believism" directly from Witness Lee. Perhaps I am wrong. It seems to me that a passive youth culture inevitably developed as a result of promoting Witness Lee and his ministry rather than Jesus Christ and His word.
From my understanding, it's this passive culture that is preventing many from being truly born again. My understanding of scriptures and my own personal experience is that you don't become born again after acknowledging Jesus' existence as a deity who died for our sins, but after you surrender your whole heart to God in repentance.
I agree Witness Lee severely misrepresented what it means to overcome and it seems like him and others abused it to make people loyal to his ministry. John taught that overcoming is simply being born again by which we receive a new heart and new spirit from God.
1 John 5:4
"For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith."