Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?
At 83 I appreciate almost everything I read on this forum. I am not enough of a theologian to even understand all that is written but. My wife and I were raised for 30 years in the Assemblies of God and of course they are Armenian. We both switched to the other side somewhere along the way. Our teaching was such that you could be a believer for 40 years and just before the end someone throws a rotten banana in your face, you curse, and thereby go to hell. Believe me I have heard this sort of thing spoken. Where is the eternal life of John 3? If you live with the constant fear of either living a good life and going to heaven or being like most of us and certainly going to hell, what a living. On his death bed, David told Solomon to kill Joab. That has never set well with me, but the Lord quite clearly tells us he will make it.
My senior year in college was dreadful. After makingall A's and B's for three years, I worried all year long about making a C in P chem. In fact two days before graduation I went to the prophessor an asked him if I made it. His answer was, Oh buddy you know you made it. That was a miserable year. If I had to live like that.... The same is somewhat true to me in the Christian life. I don't have any confidence that WL, WN, or anyone else can put all the NT together and come to an inteligent conclusion. I strongly believe the Bible is a speaking word and if it speaks to us and we hear it is life. But if we pull a WL know it all and try to live by him, we are not thnking, we're hoping.