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Old 01-13-2014, 10:30 AM   #17
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Default Re: Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?

Originally Posted by bearbear View Post
571 ápistos (from 1 /A "not" and 4103 /pistós, "faithful," see there) – properly, not faithful because unpersuaded, i.e. not convinced (persuaded by God). 571 /ápistos ("faithless, unpersuaded") does not always refer to the unconverted – see Jn 20:27. 571 (ápistos) describes someone who rejects or refuses God's inbirthings of faith (note the root, faith, 4102 /pístis).

This is the same word used in John 20:27 when Jesus described Thomas, someone who was his disciple!

John 20:27
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.”
At this point in time, one whole week after the resurrection, two of the twelve original disciples were not yet believers. The first was Judas, who had perished by his own hand. The second was Thomas, who would not believe, not until he could "see" and "put his finger into the nail holes" of our risen Savior.

So this would not be a good verse to use in order to prove that the disciples, who have genuinely believed, could eventually go to hell.
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