Originally Posted by OBW
In your second post, you said:
I honestly believe that this is an overstatement. This is a thought that grows out of the discussion that has already been set aside a few weeks back concerning loss of salvation.
Hi OBW, I can see where my statement about Witness Lee leading people to hell would have been confusing and I should have expounded on it, but I was afraid of getting side-tracked.
From a Lordship Salvation + Calvinist's perspective someone who is truly born again and walking in the faith would be bearing good fruit. If someone had no discernment on what is actually good vs bad fruit he'd have no way of testing himself if he is of the faith (2 Cor 13:5) and may therefore be deceiving himself into thinking he is born again preventing him from taking the action of pressing forward in surrendering his whole heart to Jesus.
From an arminianism point of view, the test of good fruit vs bad fruit would effect how someone would make sure he or she is staying on the narrow path that leads to life, and staying in the faith etc.
I lean towards Calvinism, but I respect the Arminianism perspective because both have so many scriptures that support it. I think this topic is beyond the scope of this forum though so I won't delve into it again

I like how one pastor who I know who's also in between these views put it: "All I can say is once you get saved, make sure you stay saved!" This would coincide with 2 Peter 1's admonition for us to confirm our calling and election by growing in holiness everyday. This comes by spending time in God's presence and receiving his love, whereby we can blast this love that we have stored up to others through practicing God's word.
Regarding 1 Cor 3, I have some thoughts in regards to that also which I want to share later.