Originally Posted by Terry
To my awareness, there has never been any repentance and asking of forgiveness for what has been in print (against John Ingalls) or what has been spoken (against Steve Isitt among many others). Steve Isitt in particular Ron Kangas singled out at an international conference.
Doesn't this situation remind you of Pharoah? The more Moses tried to bring Pharaoh to repentance, the more he hardened his heart. Because he could not yield to his pride, Pharaoh's end was a baptism of death in the red sea.
One sign of someone being a child of God is not that he is perfect or sinless but that he is able to turn and repent when the Holy Spirit convicts him. With all this said, I acknowledge that it's possible Witness Lee's repentance at the end of his life was accepted by our merciful God.
But we have to face the reality that this repentance didn't bring any real change to the movement. The idol LSM has set up is Witness Lee pre-repentance. And it may only be worthwhile analyzing the fruit he bore in his life because he is still alive in spirit to many in the LSM who read his words as if they were canon daily.