Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-28-2008, 10:01 AM   #611
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Please show me one place you have said the opposite. I'm curious to see a quote on this one.
You want quotes? Virtually every one of my posts agrees with the general contention, just not the method of application. We’ll start with the one you just responded to.

#587 “The problem is that you are bringing the definition to the level at which no one escapes, yet you want to point at someone else. If we are going to look at it at this most general level, then you are responsible for yourself and I am responsible for myself. Get your own sackcloth and ashes. Don’t throw yours on me. I have enough of my own.

The then one yesterday: #550 “When we willfully sin, we have clearly turned our hearts from God. That is, by definition, lowering God’s status in our hearts. So in the broader sense of the term, every sin involves idolatry. So, if every sin is idolatry, why isn’t every call for repentance put in terms of turning from idolatry? A few put it in the mix in relation to certain things, but not as an umbrella under which all sins could be found.

Do you see me wiggling out of either of these?

I’m not going back further than that. You can do it on your own. Your response to me suggests that you are not actually reading what I say, just responding to my displeasure in the course this has taken. Deny it if you will, but your response above is its own evidence for my statement.

Take offense in that statement if you will. To paraphrase someone else’s statements here, I’ve just got to stop this nonsense. Sound familiar? Well, it cuts both ways. I’ve got the same rights you claim to have. And by the way, the last time you trotted that “stop someone” line out, concerning the Dallas thing earlier, you were very wrong, and were party to a gross fallacy of logic. And you never admitted it, but simply quit the argument and turned to this. It’s high time you admit your own bull-headedness rather than accusing the rest of us of avoiding the broader definition of idolatry. It never happened.

The fact is, that while we despised the interference of the BARM super-moderators, left to our own devices, there is beginning to be an undesirable flavor here. This was not the first, although it is hard to compare any others to it. We have thrown off the shackles of the BARM, and even managed to leave enough of the actual LC group behind that we suddenly have little boundary except our own consciences. Those may be failing. There is a bit of a “I’ll be damned if anyone is going to stop me now” attitude that is beginning to rule. Well, you seem to have elected yourself as the stopper of others. You need to listen to someone else at least occasionally. This is probably just such a time.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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