Originally Posted by james73
But this sort of story really just turns God into an ATM. There were people at the pentecostal in HK like this. ....... Bad James73, bad!
Yes James! BAD!
You read wayyyyyyy too much into this fellow's testimony! For the record, I have heard numerous 'testimonies' of people being set free from debt because they started to 'tithe', even though they were so deep in debt.
Well... it did not work for me. I ended up more in debt ! LOL! That said, if the Holy Spirit prompts me to give, I GIVE. But I don't listen to man quoting scriptures telling me I am robbing from God so that I will feel guilty if I don't give to their agenda of building their megachurch business in the name of 'God'.
This was a one time Supernatural Favor he experienced from our Heavenly Father. This man has been through a lot of hardships with his family and God gave him a 'break'. He met a man on the beach and found FAVOR in his eyes.
The OT has account after account on the FAVOR of God.
Let me tell you about the FAVOR of GOD I was blessed with this past year.
My body has RA and I have been on disability since 2004. The company I worked for has/had a great disability policy which included a great health insurance policy. My meds are very expensive.
In August my health insurance was terminated so I don't have health insurance. Medicare won't kick in until July of this year. (I am skipping the details why). Talk about PRAYING !!! You all have no idea of the excruciating PAIN my body goes through w/o the meds !!! I put all my TRUST in the LORD asking HIM to grant me supernatural FAVOR or better yet HEAL my body once & for all !! (The Lord has not manifested my healing yet btw)
So before my insurance was cancelled, I got a 3 month refill on my meds. I asked the front desk how much the office visits would be since I was going to pay out of pocket from now on. Because I am an existing patient (client) my cost would be 50.00 a visit. I can handle that as I go every 2-3 months.
On my next visit in September, I was prepared to pay the 50.00 cost but was told I had a credit and there was no cost to my visit.
When I spoke w/my doctor, explaining my dilemma, he told me he had been planning to get me off the meds I had been on and put me on new ones, as we had discussed previously. He told me "I AM in charge here...with a big grin) Then he told me the meds he was putting me on were going to be free of charge for an entire year !!! I simply had to fill out some paperwork !!! GOD bless my doctor!!!!! Did I merit the Favor of God? yes & no. Yes because I am God's daughter and He loves me & a Good, Loving Father takes care of His kids, even through hardships. No because I did not 'work' to be granted Favor. I surrendered my dilemma and asked God to help me.
The POINT in sharing the guy's testimony had to do with God's LOVE.
The LSM does not experience this kind of LOVE as a whole. If you are not an LSM committed soldier to Lee's agenda, you're left out in the cold.
And the people who are struggling to leave have very little Faith in God's Love because it has been squashed out of them. So they don't even know how to ask for God's Love to shower them...much less His Favor.