Re: Love vs. Purity
I would like to present a LOVE testimony from a person on a Rapture 'ready' YT channel:
May it melt your hearts as it did mine.
From: studentinlearning:
God reminded me of something to encourage and share with you all.
After the adoption which exhausted our family beyond belief, I asked the children to pray that God would give us a vacation before the rapture.
Quietly I wanted to go to the beach. Oh, I missed the beach (I grew up a block from it when I was young. And, I had asked the Lord what was wrong with me for having this longing. I was frustrated that I was overwhelmed by the longing.
When we got to the beach, the Lord told me, "Don't you remember that you use to come and sit on the beach and talk to me? You use to cry out to me, and I comforted you here. That is why you long to be here).
So, the children prayed. A person we had only just met offered us their condo on the beach of Fl. for a week. I told the children that we need to ask for the money to travel a very long way to that beach, and our bank accounts were very depleted. They prayed.
That person called back and said that her husband said that they should send us money for gas, lodging, and food for the trip. We traveled down there and felt like we were in heaven. The entire kitchen was packed with food with everything we could have asked (they knew we liked organic foods and wholesome foods). I honestly couldn't have shopped that well myself. The pantries were overflowing. Then, they put two hundred dollars on the counter as spending money, in addition to a check they mailed of seven hundred dollars.
Although this was a big condo of three bedrooms, none of the children dared to sleep in the bedrooms as our condo was over the ocean and they all slept with the doors open and as close to the sunroom that opened onto the beach, wanting to soak in every wave sound (and it was their first time to the ocean). It was surreal. Our family has never been treated with such kindness, so much love, and oh, my-get goosebumps talking about this.
The wife desperately wanted another child, and when her husband saw all seven of our children loving God, his heart changed, and he allowed another child into her family (she became immediately pregnant after we left-God blessed her womb again, and I believe it was because of her kindness that God was pleased).
I knew that would be the last time we would see the beach because the rapture would happen. This was last Feb. I was before the Lord recently because I sooo long for that beach.
It is hard to not want to pray again, but I know His Spirit says no that we are leaving. He clearly said to me, "I want you to now think of Me as your beach and ocean, come to Me for that peace and rest".
I know that I know that I know we are leaving soon, very, very soon. We are still praying for that husband to get saved.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)