Thread: Love vs. Purity
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Old 01-10-2014, 08:26 PM   #34
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 71
Default Re: Love vs. Purity

Originally Posted by bearbear View Post
"Vital groups" to form an "army" whose aim is to explode the LRC movement in the US with the emphasis of winning over caucasians. I think this is still being projected in the west coast since my wife still gets God Ordained Way training e-mails.

It seems like everything in the LRC system is framed in terms of how much someone can contribute to the movement-- hence young people who are steeped in LRC theology and FTTA grads are highly valued whereas older folks who've been around for a while are viewed as dead weight. Love is given to those who seem useful, but withheld from those who can't give back.
True true, so very true. I had the honor of being the official "First Caucasian to be baptized in the Church of Hong Kong Western District". Tim Chu would not stop bragging about this.

And when a Caucasian came to a meeting, it was as though Jesus himself walked in with Moses on his shoulders. Disgusting behavior, in contrast to how a new Filipino would be treated (unless they worked for an i-bank…. I think a career in finance almost trumped race).
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