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Old 07-11-2008, 10:05 AM   #3
Peter Debelak
I Have Finished My Course
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This post is based on the premise that the Bible teaches that there is such a things as human-weilded "spritual authority" (a premise I'm more than happy to examine later).

If we assume there is spritual human authority in the Word, my question is this:

Does the authority reside in a person as a status or does it reside in a person only to the extent that his acts conform to God's will?

The difference between the two is revealed when we consider where our personal accountability resides. Nee seemed to take the position that authority resides in a status - such that, so long as an authority (who held a status) told you to do something, you did it. And, if what you did was contrary to God's will, the "authority" would be accountable and you would not. The difference is tested by the question: is it even possible for an individual believer to have a genuine leading from the Lord that contradicts the will of the "authority" who is purportedly above him? I would say that, if the Scripture teaches that authority resides in a status, then the answer is "No, God would not give an individual a leading which contradicts his appointed authority"

The authority that resided in Paul seems more like that of a status - i.e. he was an "apostle" by designation. Elders who were "appointed" by an apostle clearly have authority which resides in their status.

But that doesn't necessarily answer the question for us today, where their are no Scripture-confirmed, God-ordained apostles.

Human authority which the Scripture discusses is certainly based upon "status" - husbands, parents, the state, etc... These are God-ordained relationships and authority resides in a status. You obey the authority regardless of whether you think they are "right". E.g. If you are a slave, you obey your master, even if slavery is wrong; or you pay your taxes, even if they are being used to fund a war you disagree with etc...

But do these principles of human authority translate into spiritual principels of authority? Or is it a false analogy?


I Have Finished My Course

Last edited by Peter Debelak; 07-11-2008 at 10:12 AM.
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