Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-28-2008, 07:18 AM   #592
Matt Anderson
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 155

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
I've always found when I start my own thread on a subject I'm interested in that I have a little more leverage on where it goes. An idolatry thread could easily be initiated in Matt's name and relevant posts copied over through the technical wonders of board admininstration software. Just a humble suggestion.

Frankly, I've never know what this thread has been about. What does does "The LCS Factor" mean, anyway? Sounds like a TV drama. For that matter, what does "LCS" stand for? I'm really confused. Perhaps that's the reason I've introduced so many irrelevancies here.

We've gotten stuck on idolatry simply because it was posited as a source / root cause of some of the damage done to the 2nd generation of LCer's, due to what the 1st generation of LCer's got themselves mixed up in (knowingly or unknowingly).

Specifically, we've gotten stuck on the fact that there was a system of idolatry implemented over the course of the years (i.e. what I see as a big part of the LCS Factor) that has had a large impact on individuals and families.

The only reason I haven't gone to another thread is because everything about idolatry has come up in context of the impacts of the Local Church System on the 2nd generation of the LC.

Idolatry is a topic that can stand on it's own, but it is the very connection of this subject to the context of the LC that makes it so important (and yes, touchy).

I realize that your suggestion is an attempt to 'moderate' the situation and it's not a bad suggestion. I don't think the context should be lost in any transition if it is going to happen.


Do you want me to go elsewhere with this subject?


Last edited by Matt Anderson; 08-28-2008 at 07:28 AM.
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