Originally Posted by aron
"Pure" was whatever the leaders deemed it to be...And purity from them was a moving target. Sports and television were once worldly and impure; now they are purified because current leadership says so. Drums and electrical instruments are either pure or impure depending on leadership's judgment...
It reminds me of Paul's quote: "All things are pure to the pure". I think he was writing about foods (to the religious Jews a big issue), but he was making a larger point. Like with Jesus before, "It is not what is without, but what is within that matters".
But in the Lord's Recovery, with its unique "ground" and thus unique leadership, the so-called apostle of the age, aka God's present oracle, becomes the working standard of purity. Whatever Witness Lee deemed to be pure was pure, because Witness Lee was pure. No, he was not dispositionally pure; he was a sinner like us. But because God raised him up as the 'acting God' on Earth he was held to be positionally pure. "Even when he's wrong he's right", as the LRC saying went.
So obedience to WL was our own de facto standing of purity. WL was our covering; subservience to this ordained 'acting God' was our mark of purity. As mentioned before, I find this is all too similar to the ideas presented in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13. An externally-derived and externally-enforced "unity" as the approved mark of the "in group" is clearly presented in those chapters as a worldly analog, a counterfeit, of true spiritual reality.