Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-28-2008, 07:07 AM   #590
Matt Anderson
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 155

Originally Posted by Roger View Post
Are you kidding? Even djohnson has recalled in the past some positive things that we gained from the "collective"/"corporate" experience of the Local Church. This is the problem with your approach. You come in with elbows flying, insisting upon drawing a line in the sand, as if you are an Old Testament prophet who's gotten THE word from on high. Please re-consider.

Your characterization of me (my person) is false. My elbows aren't flying. I'm not slapping anyone around. I'm not even claiming to be any kind of OT prophet. I think I specifically noted this fact.

In your reaction you are closer to doing this than what I am doing. Sorry, Roger, if this whole subject is upsetting you and the things I am saying are also upsetting you.

I am not like Lee. I have zero control over you. I cannot exercise any authority over anyone here. I'm not asking the owner of this site to support what I am saying. I'm not asking anyone to support what I am saying. If I am flat wrong, then okay. I can live with that and the only loss is to me.

In your responses your simply asking me to "shut up". I am not asking the same thing of you. Your responses are welcome and the reader will benefit from them. These things should be weighed out properly in the hearts and minds of each person before the Lord. In the process, you can call me anything you want. I may object to some of your characterizations of my person. That's my right.

But, prove me wrong. I've never said there was no value in the "corporate" / "collective" aspect of the LC. I've asked what some are holding valuable because depending upon what aspects are held valuable there could be a real problem. There's a big difference if you read what I'm actually saying and don't just react to it, because you don't like my thought about it.


Last edited by Matt Anderson; 08-28-2008 at 07:20 AM.
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