Originally Posted by aron
I read your comment that recently you have been going back to square one. I can relate. I wish I could learn to abide there. "But you have left your first love..."
What can I say?
"But give thanks to the LORD for He is good. For His mercy endureth forever."
I PRAY I never lost my first LOVE!! I don't believe I did as not a day goes by that I don't say "I Love You Abba Father, I Love You Lord Jesus. I Love You Holy Spirit!"
It had been a long time since I looked at scriptures regarding His Love for us.
I am SURE the HOLY SPIRIT would hit me over the head

had I drifted away from the Love for our LORD! Believe me. He speaks to me a lot! I know His Silence too. Not fun. Not good when He is not pleased with me.