Thread: Love vs. Purity
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Old 01-07-2014, 10:44 AM   #1
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Default Love vs. Purity

Originally Posted by aron View Post
When you see RG, RK, BP, DYL, TC and other leaders separating themselves from each other you realize that they had no love for one another; or conversely that they loved their doctrines, teachings, and organizations more than the actual human being next to them (i.e. their 'neighbor').
aron addressed a topic which comes up from time to time. Actually this phenomena has troubled the body of Christ since day one. For lack of a better description, I will just label it "Love vs. Purity."

Nearly every new denomination has begun because certain men of God desired to restore the church to its virgin "purity." Up here in greater "Ahia" we have the largest Amish community in the world -- just one more sect which has, in its core, the desire for a more "pure" Christian testimony. Whether Lutherans, Brethren, LC'ers, or whoever, all wanted a "purity" of churchlife which apparently did not exist in the greater body of Christ, and so they started something new. I'm not saying this is inherently wrong, because it often was initiated by the Spirit of God, rather I am just making an historical observation.

My question is just how "pure" is pure. In other words, when should the leaders exercise love, tolerance, and forbearance, and when should the leaders decide to "cut off" that which is impure. Is the church united by what is positive of God, or is it united by what is judged by God? John Darby went so far as to say that the oneness of the church assembly was based on the common judgment of evil. His initial tract among the Brethren by this name perhaps best summarizes all exclusive systems.

Who determines what is evil? That is the difficult question which each and every church or group of churches must confront. As these denominations amass their own list of taboos (in their mind unforgiveable sins), they become more exclusive and disconnected. It is my personal observation that rotten struggles for power and control within these sects are often disguised as a judgement of evil under the smokescreen of "purity." One might even say that the crucifixion of our Savior was based on some misguided sence of Mosaic "purity," and hence the high priest prophesied, "it is expedient for this Man to die for our nation."

Present day examples abound here. Titus Chu and the Great Lakes LC's were quarantined for using worldly means like guitars and drums to attract young people. Not using ministry materials from LSM warranted justifiable lawsuits in numerous cities. In the name of Recovery "purity," leaders at LSM were willing to violate any number of scriptures. Their intolerance and distorted obsession with "purity" for the "Lord's testimony" enables them to vindicate any means necessary.

In the end many children of God are hurt when leaders play "purity" games. Why are LC leaders constantly obsessed with "good material?" Why would the BB's amputate the arms (Brazil) and legs (GLA) to save their "body?" Why would all their remaining members be convinced that such action is a good thing? Why would members have no feeling when the saint next to them is suddenly missing after decades of being together?

What happened to love? You know the simple summary commands from the Lord to love God and love your neighbor? Like that old Turner classic, "What's love got to do with it," members of exclusive systems like the Recovery lose sight of what matters most. How is it that they can be convinced that "natural" love is evil like the honey of old, and spoils their offerings? As a result of this obsession, many get hurt. This forum is filled with sad stories like these. Many others get discouraged and disillusioned with their Christian walk, and decide to give it up.
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