Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-28-2008, 05:28 AM   #584
Matt Anderson
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 155
Default Question for Hope about "The Testimony"?

Originally Posted by Hope
In parallel thinking, it also would seem that one bad family is enough to label the whole bunch. Therefore should all memory of anything of Christ be obliterated? Could it be that the use of such explosive language as “child molestation” would have the effect of wiping out any testimony that was there? Could it be that contending that four churches with all their elders present was for the purpose of completely discrediting all leadership and all churches in the Texas area?
What testimony is Hope referring to? Is he referring the testimony of the saints who have passed through the fire and who have been purified by the Lord? Or is he referring to the testimony of the group as a collective?

If it is a reference to the "testimony" of the individual saints and the Lord in their lives, then there is absolutely no disagreement.

However, If it is a reference to the "testimony" of the group as a collective, then it is quite another thing. We move closer to the heart of the problem and why I think there is still a thought being held that is wrong according to the Lord.

I would like ask an open question to Hope under the assumption that part of what he is referring to is the "collective" / "corporate" aspect

1. What do you propose we should keep from the "collective" / "corporate" experience of the LC? Let us see it and inspect it in the light of God's Word. Please be as specific as possible. This is a kind of challenge, but not because I am trying to cause you a problem. I really want to know what are the good things you are holding onto from the "collective" / "corporate" experience of the LC.

Last edited by Matt Anderson; 08-28-2008 at 05:39 AM.
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