Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-27-2008, 03:05 PM   #569
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 318

But really how complicated is it? Do some in the LCS idolize Lee? Clearly yes. Do all in the LCS idolize Lee? Probably not. I think this is merely stating the obvious.

The issue some have legitimately raised on this thread is that when discussing abuse let's stay focused on that instead of saying: "Yes there was abuse but here are 10 positive things to counterbalance it." There are loads of LCS sites advertising all the positive aspects of their church while hiding the negative. I started this thread to explore what, if any, influence the LCS had on social problems among their members. I think the rampant Lee hero worshiping is one thing that surely influenced people negatively so the discussion of idolatry does have a place here but...obsessing over it? Not so much!
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