Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-26-2008, 09:47 AM   #527
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 318

We have the term "teen idol" in our culture. Does this term = a physical stature of the star is made out of bronze and put in a temple and people bring sacrifices and bow down to it? Not likely. It means that teenagers are crazed about the star and follow them and what they wear and how they act and what they say, etc. And the studios and record companies feed this frenzy with savvy marketing. In such a fashion Lee is an idol to some in the LCS and the LSM marketing machine feeds it with their endless stream of adulation.

"Personality cult" is another term used in our society. If a disc jockey is said to have a cult following does that mean he is asking his audience to move to Guyana and kill themselves? Not likely. It means he has a group of people who excessively cling to every word that proceeds out of his mouth and in turn yap about him and his show to anyone who will listen.

Idol and cult are not shock words. They are words commonly used in our society everyday and when properly applied aptly describe the Lee/LCS situation.
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