Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-26-2008, 07:28 AM   #519
Paul Cox
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Posts: 181

One thing that became very clear on the other forum was that there were many current LSM Church members who were lurkers, and were indeed affected by the tone of the forum. Several people made this clear to us. Several members pleaded with us to to change the tone for their sake, lest they go away confirmed in the things that the "Blendeds" were saying about us. I remember this because I was one the chief offenders in this area.

If memory serves me well, "kisstheson" was one who became enlightened because of the Berean Forum. Thank God the tone didn't turn him away. But I believe that many were turned away.

If we look at things from the Local Church perspective: Back in the day they were very fond of blasting everyone with the words, "Christianity is Babylon." Some were attracted by that, because it appealed to their radical personality. Many were turned away (although, we thank God for that). So, it's not just a matter of being doctrinally right. Even the matter of being doctrinally right is in the eyes of the one on the soap box.

Whether or not idolatry is rampant in the Living Stream Church is arguable. Personally, I don't have a problem with the concept, because I believe there is much truth there. But we must be considerate of those who are teetering on the brink.

Let's take the word "cult," for example. I learned the hard way that many Living Stream Church members, and many in break away Local Churches are very, very sensitive to this word. Originally, I thought it my mission to convince them that the word does indeed apply to the LSM Church. The evidence was clear, I thought.

But what was the result of my insistence? Bottom line? It made ME feel good to be on the soap box, displaying all I knew about the subject; and it might have made some who have the same ideas feel good ("yeah, that's it, get 'em"). But that was, I think, all there was it it.

Of course, we can do whatever we want, and it is certainly the prerogative of the one paying for all this to steer things the way they want it to go. The request for being considerate of those who might still come out of the organization is just that, a request.

But I think it behooves us to consider such a thing. It is easy to vent. Believe me, I know, because I've done a lot of it. But regardless of how much we like to think this is just a private room where like minded people can vent and agree, the fact is that it is on the World Wide Web. Every eye can see it. We should remember this. Current Local Church Members who are seeking and are still at varying stages of enlightenment, so far as the error of LSM is concerned, are watching with genuine interest.

But that's just my opinion. It's not my dime.

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